Thursday, April 9, 2009

People At Work


Refraining from going into the details of ‘What is work’, ‘What is the necessity of work’, ‘How a work to be performed’ etc., I relate my view points in brief, about the ‘Attitude of persons towards Work’, & ‘its Causes’.

It is needless to say that, every human-being born on this earth is unique in characteristics. Migration of hereditary Genes, play a vital role in continuing life forms and building characteristic traits. Genetic variations take place owing to many factors. Our surrounding environment (Socio-cultural, Socio-economic and Socio-ecology etc.), contributes a lion’s share, in resulting such variations.

Though, all these factors are inter-related, yet; out of experiences of many during the past, it is evident that, one’s socio-cultural surroundings has a stronger impact on the development of genetical change patterns.

A family, being a smallest unit (Grass root) of a society, nurtures behavioural patterns of individuals who participate in driving a community, Society or a Nation at large. Some instincts (named-Basic) are so deeply embedded that, changes in them is impossible. Desirable traits can be implanted at an early stage of life. In advanced age, when these traits are deeply rooted, it becomes too difficult to bring about positive changes.

There are hosts of golden sayings i.e. “Change yourself inwardly”, “Change your perception” etc, to eliminate the “Impossible Herculean task of changing others” after many successive efforts. A prayer in this context is given below.

Oh Lord!

Give me the serenity to accept the things, I can not change,

Give me Courage to change the things, I can,

And give me the Wisdom to know the difference.

Types of People

It needs no explanation that, all living beings work to sustain life for a healthy/better living, and human being is no exception to it. But sadly, man being the super-intelligent of all, is more frustrated and disappointed for no dearth of reasons.

Wants and Needs are differentiated to make a choice of living patterns. Earth is abounding of everything to fulfill the needs of all beings, but lacks in everything to satisfy a single want of one person. Having, no limits for wants; people vary in their characteristics as per their choices.

Classification of People

I classify people of India in the following three categories, with 15th August 1947 (The day of our Independence) as the benchmark.

Oppressed by the Britishers:

They are the people, who sacrificed their lives, properties and social position etc. to regain the sovereignty of their motherland, and restore freedom of life for their fellow countrymen.

Distressed by the Britishers:

A mass of poor, simple and innocent people, who were ruled under distressed conditions by the Britishers, through their Indian counterparts. Presumably, they had no specific choice other than living a life.

Governed by the Britishers:

People, who preferred to abandon anything for their vested interests and selfish gains. Among these masses, were people from different walks of life i.e. Monarchs, Heads of villages, Intellectuals, Local-Priests etc. They were like slaves, who perform only when forced to do so and in threat of deprivation.

Attitudes of People at work

1. Some people work out of their own conscience (Self Starters)

They work obediently and sincerely out of respect towards others and self. They are the ‘Followers’ of a value-based system. Their goal is the goal of the organization. They do not care whether they sustain personal loss or gain in the process. They are the inheritance of pre-independence era “Oppressed by the Britishers” people. They sacrifice anything for the well-being of others.

2. Some are forced to work against their conscience (Motivated souls)

The people of this type though work only for personal gains, but safe guard their self esteem. They do not care whether the purpose is good or evil. To some extent their sincerity may be trusted. They seem to be the inheritance of pre-independence era “Distressed by the Britishers” people.

3. Fulfillment of wants, urge some people to work (Kick Starters)

They too work for the personal gains like the type 2 above, but with the only difference that, these kinds of people are not sincere and obedient to the Organization they work for. Their self esteem is too low. They always pretend to be working. They work only out of fear of losing. These people are the descendants of pre-independence era “Governed by the Britishers” type people.

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